For everybody else it's of course: San Francisco.
My first picture taken in SFO. In the background, the nice island they didn't have any better idea on than building some pretty nice jailhouse onto.

Fisherman's Warf. The touristy, but very nice area at SFO's bayside. Those trains are still going through the city.

In the mechanic museum they have all kind of coin operated machines like that one over here. Grandma will tell go what's going on. Should have spent those 25cents, maybe...

Well, I definitely should not have gone in there. Oooh boy, my belly...

Next morning I picked up Dennis from the airport. After taking a nap we had to check out the city together, of course.

What is an SFO visit without going on them once?!

Did you know they turn it around on those discs at the end of the ride?

SFO architecture.

While I had still my off-road bike, Dennis got one rented out. Our mission: riding over some bridge they once built here in the 30's.

Ooops, there it is!

The wind on that bridge was incredible that day. It was hard to keep on track.


The other side. Click to enlarge.

Next day. "Entrance to Chinatown"

Lots of Chinese signs over here.

After getting on a boat, we came close to the Golden Gate Bridge again.

Good opportunity to try some beer, of course!

The skyline of SFO. Click it or ticket!! ;-)

Pier 39.

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